About Lean Outset

Lean Outset is a, industry-agnostic, service-based product consultancy company. Our core mission is to assist startups in thriving by aligning their products with user needs within target market.

Founder Story

At the end of year 2022, my journey took a pivotal turn. At that time, I was deeply immersed in my role at Pakistan's premier IT company when an opportunity arose—an interview at Deloitte. The experience triggered a profound realization. I recognized a burning desire within me to embark on a journey of building a product, from the mere spark of an idea to establishing a leading company. Driven by this newfound passion, I made a bold decision. I left the security of my stable job and immersed myself in the dynamic world of startups. However, the startup path proved unpredictable, leading to an unexpected layoff. Undeterred, I recalibrated my course and took a calculated risk by rejoining a stable leading American company. Yet, the spark ignited during the layoff lingered, pushing me to explore the startup ecosystem further. Amidst this exploration, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. I uncovered a profound opportunity—to leverage my skills in building products from the ground up and address a common struggle faced by passionate individuals in the startup landscape. With a clear vision, I embarked on a mission: to assist startups in analyzing and attaining Product-Market Fit (PMF) from the start.

I am passionately dedicated to this venture, determined to offer a valuable service to startups navigating the intricate path of product development. My journey is rooted in the pursuit of impact, and I am committed to helping aspiring companies chart their course to success.

Syeda Mahrukh Raza
Founder & CEO
Lean Outset


Manifesting it day and night.

To set the standard for digital product excellence, becoming the market leader in product consultancy through continuous innovation.


On our way to achieve it!

Our mission is to uplift startups by bridging the gap between their current stage and achieving product-market fit. With dedication and product expertise.

Our Values

We are deeply rooted in our values and live by them.

We strongly believe in doing what is right. This means being courageous in our morals, always honest, and committed to high ethical standards.


We believe in honesty, open communication, and building trust. Our commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone is valued and heard in our workplace


we promise to give our best. We believe in taking responsibility, showing dedication, and being accountable in every aspect of our work.


We believe in working together to achieve success. Our value include respect, self-discipline, and teamwork, guiding us towards shared accomplishments.


We strive to understand various perspectives, refrain from judgment, and acknowledge the emotions of others.

Want to Partner with us?

If you are incubator or an innovative co-working space that shares a vision of mutual growth, we welcome partnerships that pave the way for collective success.

Let's connect and contribute to the growth of startups through our referral program.
Get in touch with us
We are Partnered with  Startups globally
We have Collaborated with  Incubators globally
We have a Team of experienced Product Consultants

Company Gallery

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We are a team of product-driven professionals who love working on products to turn them into success stories.
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